I have been tricked! I could just go to the mun to rescue my kerbals.
You got the shape wrong. Eeloo(Dres(Mun)) is the shape of a car!
Eeloo. A boring dwarf planet in nowhere-that doesn't exist. Any image of Eeloo is a manipulated image of Dres, which is a manipulated picture of the Mun. It does not exist and is a figment of your imagination. Try asking yourself this: Have I ever been to Eeloo? Have I known anyone who has ever been to Eeloo? The answers are no and no. Because it is an edited Dres image.
The only reason it's so far away from everything is that they thought it was a good excuse to not get anyone to try and go there because it doesn't exist. If you have been to Eeloo, or know anyone who has, you were having your mind manipulated while staring at an image of Dres, which is an edited picture of the Mun. You fell for it, didn't you? You fell for the Gas Giant 2 hoax too, didn't you? Only people found out about the hoax, and so they swapped it to Eeloo.
It was a recolour of Jool, just like how Eeloo was a manipulated image of Dres, secretly produced by Eeloon Musk. Just remember this: Eeloo doesn't, and never will exist.