in the late 2101, A large disturbance in the sky has appeared and is predicted to hit *******- I hope you solve this problem well, or else larger gas will be sent to hell. If you solve this, you'd already be under threat.
wow diamond exists
disregard the prev comment
make the railgun beam hit jupiter and also I flip pluto and neptune to disturb the kuiper belt. Without Jupiter, the solar ssystem will get ded
id:2798405 I hope you solve this problem well, or else larger gas will be sent to hell. If you solve this, you'd already be under threat. anyways look at the comment section for clues. Good luck!
Juliett Uniform Lima India Echo Tango Tango (space) Uniform November India Foxtrot Oscar Romeo Mike (space) Lima India Mike Alfa (space) India November Delta India Alfa (space) Echo Charlie Hotel Oscar (space) Tango Alfa November Golf Oscar (space) Tango Alfa November Golf Oscar (space) ( Sierra Papa Alfa Charlie Echo ) (space) Uniform November India Foxtrot Oscar Romeo Mike (space) November Oscar Victor Echo Mike Bravo Echo Romeo (space)
India November Delta India Alfa (space) Foxtrot Oscar X-ray Tango Romeo Oscar Tango (space) Oscar Sierra Charlie Alfa Romeo (space) Romeo Oscar Mike Echo Oscar (space) Mike India Kilo Echo (space) ( Sierra Papa Alfa Charlie Echo ) (space) Papa Alfa Papa Alfa (space) Alfa Lima Foxtrot Alfa (space) Papa Alfa Papa Alfa (space) Alfa Lima Foxtrot Alfa
(space) ( Sierra Papa Alfa Charlie Echo ) (space) India November Delta India Alfa (space) November Oscar Victor Echo Mike Bravo Echo Romeo (space) Delta Echo Lima Tango Alfa (space) India November Delta India Alfa (space) Alfa Lima Foxtrot Alfa (space) ( Sierra Papa Alfa Charlie Echo ) (space) Tango Alfa November Golf Oscar (space) Alfa Lima Foxtrot Alfa (space) November Oscar Victor Echo Mike Bravo Echo Romeo
(space) Golf Oscar Lima Foxtrot (space) Oscar Sierra Charlie Alfa Romeo (space) ( Sierra Papa Alfa Charlie Echo ) (space) Echo Charlie Hotel Oscar (space) Charlie Hotel Alfa Romeo Lima India Echo (space) Hotel Oscar Tango Echo Lima (space) Oscar Sierra Charlie Alfa Romeo (space) ( Sierra Papa Alfa Charlie Echo ) (space) Romeo Oscar Mike Echo Oscar (space) Oscar Sierra Charlie Alfa Romeo (space) Mike India Kilo Echo (space) Echo Charlie Hotel Oscar (space) Oscar Sierra Charlie Alfa Romeo