8 / 1
26th Sep 2021
26th Sep 2021
Fully destructable if the VOID skins are removed. The lowest temperature setting is off/heat lock mode, any heat present is stored and can't get out, the second setting is forced muzzle safety mode which forces the muzzle to room temperature.
burning electronic proton laser beam


  • Lukandrate
    20th Mar 2022
    love the detailed and scientific approach, +1
  • magnetman33
    27th Sep 2021
    Ah I see. You still might be able to work something out with TTAN, as it can still 'seal' gaps of 4 pixels iirc
  • Jerehmia
    26th Sep 2021
    @magnetman33 Thanks for the comment. I intended these to be fully destructable so using walls (in the lasers) would defeat that. Especially the big one would be a lot easier to make using walls or DMND, it has an awful lot of max. pressure, max. temperature URAN that needs to be kept inside.
  • magnetman33
    26th Sep 2021
    Well made. You can add some airblock wall to stop he air leak out the front