2014-01-29 02:44:12
Ontario, Canaderp
Some nerd with asd. My hobbies/interests include but are not limited to: physics, chemistry, photography, distributed computing, and mineral/element collecting.
My pfp is a glowing Plutonium RTG pellet because it's freakin' Plutonium that's freakin' glowing from decay heat; what more do you need?

My W key is 75% broken on this 2012 laptop and my gaming laptop burned out from running Prime95/GPU72, oof.
Update: scratch that, new better laptop, TPT is actually playable now and I promise not do destroy this one probably maybe

Not as active on here as I used to be, life ya'know :| Scroll down for a surprise! :)

keep going

almost there I promise :)

a little more

you may need a new scroll wheel after this

surprise .-.e

I love lamp

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