Everyone can comment a single element and the Y and X coords where you want it to be, and i will add it. Press D for debug mode so you can see the coordinates on the Hud. Walls, stickmen, indestructable elements, bomb/dest and SING are not allowed.
I wanna make my own one
X167 Y163
Perhaps i should redo it as a game with no restrictions, and people place several elements
@SpeedyGwen same, but everyone was trying to add things that were not allowed in the rules or just suggesting stuff with no way for me to tell what it actually meant.
I miss this concept tbh >w<
banning elements is no fun
This experiment seems to be going pretty much nowhere so i will stop updating it now.
Rubidianlabs oh ok then do PHOT or BRAY at X:99, Y:99 with Ctype: 6969696969
ok then lava snow at x69 y71