Australia_Ball: also it does take some skill to use these
Australia_Ball: it is called wall art
KnZahid300: Wall art? more like WALMART
we can see here, the artist samdwich explains the cubiness of these cubes you can see here, the majestic cubes of cubeland that cubed the cube war of the cubes, the artist represents this in such artiness cubiness- yeah I don't have a single idea what I'm saying.
Duck69: they are, technically, warped hexagons with different shading on each part of the hexagon, creating the illusion of the object being 3D
do these cubes are cubes are squares cubes wwhat?
i need to tell you something with the cow tank tw-moo-o I was spying and I found their secret weapon THEY'VE CREATED SOMTHING CALLED DEST AND IT PENETRATES ALL ARMOUR (besides gel insulator armour)