This tutorial aims to explain all the basic reactions of LITH element introduced in version 96.0. Hope it Helps.
I don't know what lithium is. I just know it's from Subnautica
Supercrafter: Yea. I have been on break from tpt and organism v2, and saw lithium and started going crazy. 2 hours later realizing that the battery level detection systems I have already incorperated have no actual way to detect the ctype of the lithium (used linear detector because I forgot it checks particles not their ctype, only now just realized my hopes and dreams are destroyed)
Wow, very useful +1
aaccbb: it is
lith should be rechargable btry
jacob1: I love you
Good work Cracker1000 1+
or maybe a ctype detector that also takes numbers higher than what would be invalid otherwise
jacob1: ooh physics update, I think there may also be a detector that sends electricity if the charge amount in LITH exceeds a value or something
fun fact:lithium is ctype when it charged is dust