A god, enhanced with technology. It can be defeated by practically nothing, and will destroy all that can be destroyed.Update: Gave him power equivelent to 0.00003% Shaggy's Power.
SlavBoi: yes, you set the ctype of the CRAY to SPRK
for me it just doesnt shoot when i spark it in the middle
SlavBoi: it does nothing
also its impossible to give even 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 equivalent of Shaggys power to someone
your god cow has a weakness ;)
it*. .
if you want to break it just spark ir in the middle before unpausing
Duck69: i have used that quote... O N C E... so don't even try it
SamDwich: ah yes the quote you use the most "i would like to see you fail miserably" my ass i dont care
Duck69: you finally got the point!