Decent alloy that is constructed from TTAN enchanted with the essence of cows lost in the war.
honestly this is a bit weak now
but this alloy COULD use some improvement... maybe extra dest proof?
ignore those comments, those were, again, during the war
SamDwich: also nothing display is boring. but the two most common cow types, GRVT, and PROT, do have a glow to them, so I will give you that.
I broke it the same way I killed the mecha cow, using a moving dematerializer.
Duck69: then use nothing display
SamDwich: I think its blue because well THE STUPID TMP2 VIBR.
there' i fixed that discolouration
Duck69: because it's meant to look like a cow, and that stupid INSL layer is blue, and you see that pattern. It's like seeing amogus in a trash can, you see it, even if it isn't really there.
why i see trans rights flag in the layers?