43 / 1
23rd Nov 2020
24th Nov 2020
WWI experimental tank design, one of the most unusual armored figting vehicles in history, thanks to its two giant wheels
russia worldwar worldwar1 destroyable worldwar3


  • TeslaThePlasmaUser
    16th January
    BOBHAMSTER: Tsar means king in russian, alot of thing that Russia made were named Tsar because they were the largest of their kind at the time. the Tsar bell: biggest bell, Tsar cannon: biggest cannon, Tsar bomba: biggest bomb.
  • TeslaThePlasmaUser
    16th January
    if russia actually finished the tsar tank and put it into battle, it would have been the first tank of WW1
  • mynameisnob32545
    21st Aug 2023
    it was a protipe
  • Totally_dutch
    16th Feb 2022
    This is more desigh then funcoin
  • CHP
    6th Feb 2022
    this thing is bad im downvote because it cannot shooting
    11th Dec 2021
    why does anything experimental get maned tsar
  • Emperor_of_Catkind
    28th Mar 2021
    Interesting fact: this tank became a prototype for Hellfire tank from Star Wars
  • Bigboomstuff
    25th Nov 2020
    Laminat09: the comments are just responding to gleb_russia
  • User5152552
    25th Nov 2020
    i suffer from chronic acid reflux, my every morning is pain and disgust
  • Umm
    24th Nov 2020
    Let me tell you why this design didn't get anything done, it was too heavy, one of if not the only Tsar tank still left is somewhere in a forest, because guess what, it got bogged down and became inmovable, because the engine wasn't powerful enough to move it and the wheels put way too much pressure on the ground. Same thing with super heavy tanks much like the Maus, they are too heavy, and in its case it couldn't cross any bridges.