Just a basic research/timeline of tpt tech, feel free to suggest othe things to add!
Added it !
you could add chemistry tech wich includes reactions, fire tech, fusion etc... and physics tech wich includes: alloys, gel tech, mixtures etc...
PSTN engine (flying)
You should add thing that shows what tech group knows
UltraCheesyPies: They are not really that hard to make. I like all your art saves though!
Ive mastered the skill of 'art' tech, the ability to create something completely useless only for visual appeal... :( I wish I could make machines.
Coming up next inspired by the hate comment on my save: The types of player tree. It shows the avaerage brainpower of that kind of player!
Nice, its back on!
Save kicked of FP by some random junk some guy through together in 4 seconds, wow.
Cool one. 1+