A nationwide where you must control as much land as possible to win. Conquer the world. The game will gradually become harder.
Build a city in the north as my people can. Research aircraft and tanks. Recruit 20k troops.
hey can i be here lmao
dutchmanoncrack69: Aircraft are not invented yet, but we will rapidly come to that point. Expansions continue northward, deeper into the extreme tundra.
Build some air division, continue expanding north.
erictom333: Expansions and explorations continue. The army has expanded to a force of 25,000 men. The ships in the east report that the very strong currents here make it extremely hard to turn back.
dutchmanoncrack69: The frigid temperatures of the north are handled by extremely thick clothing. Your citizens begin to move northward, into an extremely high mountain range.
Continue expanding west and exploring east. Build a smallish army.
Make winter clothes to expand north.
dutchmanoncrack69: The ships begin to move southeast, in hopes of searching for new undiscovered lands. Meanwhile, the population in the mainland wonders if they should go deeper northward.