12+12 gives me 22 but I liked because this is awesome! Great job!
i accidentally downvoted when i meant to upvote, sorry! this save is very cool.
@yoyo, I'd like to help you out with the buttons, a bit. If you want to avoid conducting SPRK frmo the INST buttons on the the NSCN rays, then you'll wanna change them into TTAN or INST so that you don't gotta use INSL above it. The top of each button has a little gap because FILT darkens deco layers. What you wanna do to fix that is use STOR right there, instead of just FILY because it's transparent to ARAY.
This is definitely up there with saves from people like DarkN and arK
How do you add two numbers with at least two digits each?
I looked at the logo printer works similar to the FILT-CRAY texters I made. 1) Set a line of FILT to a wavelength containing the necessary data. 2) Shoot ARAY beams perpendicularly through the line of FILT. 3) Each ARAY beam passes through a different FILT (AND), one for each bit. 4) Some of the ARAY beams don't make it through the FILT (AND) line and then the resulting filtered ARAY beams go to a reciever which sends of the data to someone else, like a type head or image printer head.
I am more interested at your logo printer...Can I research it?