The entirety of Scandinavia and Canada are both better than the USA. We are better than other countries, but we have many faults. I'd rather live in Canada, but I have a life here. Our most valuable export is tourists and vengeance.
The USA is too patriotic, yeah, it has a high obesity rate, we haven't been great since the Apollo program, our country is filled with idiots who yell "Amurica" like the drunken goons they are, and yet you all think we're great. We haven't fought for freedom since WWII. The other wars were caused by fear of communism (Communism isn't bad if done well) and misplaced vengeance. Cod bless Norway.
Tman90, I'm dying here. That's great.
russia is strongest. *takes america glasses*
america has been involved in wars for more than 220 years which makes more than 90% since their independence but they still call themselves defenders of democracy lol
GO believe in your manifest destiny somewhere else.
Bpdarnold is a judgemental hipocrit.
america isn't better than other countries. sure we germans did a lot of shit in the past but let's forget it all and make the world happy. and russians, please accept america.
god bless the united states of america!
AMERICA SHIT RUSSIA MATUSHKA VSEGI MIRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!