Igniting C4, as expected with any explosive, makes your FPS take a hit - but a C4-TNT composite explosive igniting seems to take you down to a few frames per second - why lol? (Updated, dif. only becomes apparent with large amounts?)
i layered them c4 still laged the same no matter what and i have a bad computer anyways diifrence C4TNT -1.25fps tnt -1fps c4 -1.05fps diffrence is almost not notable and as a player thats used to lag i dont care -1 vote
i do not see any difference
did nothing out of the ordinary?
C4, from my tests, is the culprit. Try filling the whole screen with C4 and then ignite it from different sides. It is obviously a bug with C4.
No idea, maybe you would have to look at the src to understand how TNT ignites to understnad
Then,i think it chooses how each particle will affect other in 9px radius?
Does not lag with normal TNT of the same amount.
Because game shooses to spawn EMBR particles or not,this is my version.