This is my first computer so don't expect any quantum mechanics. INSTRUCTIONS: Copy a program and align it with the pins on the computer, then spark START. If the "BUTTON" text lights up, the program is requesting you to spark a button on the keypad.
Just checked an XOR calculator, and confirmed that my analog XOR logic gate translation does not work as required
Speaking of Minecraft computers, I imagine them becoming exponentially more powerful when people learn how to translate all the parts to comparator based math, which, 0-15 is literally hexadecimal. I've done some of my own diving, with analog inverters and adders, as well as an XOR but not sure if it functions correctly
Wow, its got the same processing power as my computer!
Minecraft computers are also leagues slower because of how many more cycles go into processing the in-game components. But, functionally limitless space seems nice.
@Tetratrary I agree, in Minecraft you can make better computers, but they will be slower, due to the need for repeaters. Also, making a computer and sharing it is much easier in TPT, so that's why I personally prefer TPT over Minecraft in making computers.
@gwendal114 I think @Salendron was joking. As for a serious answer to that question, it may be possible, if TPT saves could be bigger (or infinite). Minecraft is a much better game to make computers on, there's infinite space, and you have the 3rd dimension, compared to 2D TPT.
even the r216k2a cant, soo this one cant
can it run minecraft tho?
i made a random program it dispalyed a number and had me use the keypad(i put in random filt for the program)
how do i make a proggram i know nothing