This is my first computer so don't expect any quantum mechanics. INSTRUCTIONS: Copy a program and align it with the pins on the computer, then spark START. If the "BUTTON" text lights up, the program is requesting you to spark a button on the keypad.
my pc this is:
I deleted that save
I just realised that it works now
I fixed the reset button here: 2457467
Tiny bit of an update: I'm working on yet another computer right now (No promises yet) and I've found many faults with the old one I never released. Almost everything in the ALU and the random number generator was faulty and only kind-of worked, so honestly that one would have dissappointed you guys. So anyway a new computer is in the works, but we'll see as I haven't even put it together yet.
Ok, noone is going to see this, but I've been pretty inactive for a while now and decided it would be best if I finish the computer when I feel like making things in TPT again. I'm currently making my largest Unity project ever and it's taking a lot of my free time so it might take quite long.
Can you add more periferials on the next computer you make that is not almost done (e.g. the third one)?
For the two people who will stumble across this save: A new computer is almost finished, but I've hit a ton of roadblocks, so expect it to be released sometime this, or worst case scenario, next month. It all depends on my motivation to keep fixing it.
nice computer, but it's actually just the data unit of an cpu, there's no control unit to decode the instructions.