27th Dec 2018
14th Feb 2019
This is planet Celucus. It has been infected with Tiberium. Tiberium is a radioactive crystal that sucks nearby minerals into it. Two large and rich companies has started war over the planet. They have formed teams Crisis and Eclipse.
this is tiberium from command and conquer not roblox
Also eclipsis is a game on roblox set on a planet called eclipsis were you collect a blue liquid called iridiam and multipul compineys are fighting over it.
Yeh made by AndRaxiusAndScruffy
OUI aint morbus that sombie infectin that turns you pink
:D (tarararara intesifies)
fields of G R E E N +1
Crisis Tiberium Mine coming soon.
I will add separated colony/mine/ruin saves soon.
Useful* (doh)
One mush wonder though,what led previous leaders of this civilization to death.. But atleast theese companies are getting paid.