27th Dec 2018
14th Feb 2019
This is planet Celucus. It has been infected with Tiberium. Tiberium is a radioactive crystal that sucks nearby minerals into it. Two large and rich companies has started war over the planet. They have formed teams Crisis and Eclipse.
*Changed planet name.
im getting some real Armor Mayhem vibes from this
I'm not a C&C player, but I know enough to recognise tiberium.
Nuu,my refinery is going away FP :(
Crisis refinery facility is now out! you can check it out by typing in id:2368187
Anyways,Crisis mine facility is almost complete.
And yeah,that is a reference to the game,i took the story from it. Tiberium is a think from CNC series,i honestly did not expect to see CNC players here :3
Uhh? Morbus is a virus thingy? sorry didnt knew that
Is tiberium related to black EXOT? :p