Reads the temp of element in line of sight,shows the read temp and then resets.
Nice :).
lol I just realised there was something under the sign
That's why in my save it takes an actual particle instead of measuring it's temp.
XGEM_Gaming: Nice save, but there is one problem in the design the HEAC used lowers the actual temp of particles.
cracker1000 id:2367290
@LBPHacker, That is correct. I could've used it for my... thing I'm making, but went with something more compact and simple.
@cracker1000: Temperature digitisation is in stable though.
*to (cOmmENt tOo SHorT)
Did the ATM stuff inspire you ot make this save? Are you gonna do more with this?
@cracker1000 I dont think anyone uses an older version (the update popup wont go away)