A Rebel outpost hidden among an Asteroid Belt. Featuring various cruisers, frigates, corvettes, fighters and transports, as well as different skins of each. Make sure Decorations Layer is on! Enjoy! Copy with Credit :)
Andy_StoneX thanks, you sound like you got stoned but we don't want ya to get stoned to death alright bud? This looks awsome ngl! the interior hangar bays are poggers, wish you come back and make more starwars stuff
Don't listen to coolsteve_ he's an a** hole he is always like this sucks or a 2 year old made that or i hate it.
good not goot lol
@coolsteve_ You obviously don't get the joke. He makes a bad review that gives -1 vote, but then he gives a goot review that gives +2 votes, Resulting in 1 vote, which is the maximum you can vote.
@Admiral_Awesome you suck
Very good +1
Good art +2.
Starwars -1.