Well... A bit like what I wanted is a *mach disc* to form... At this rate, I could be starting to see the oppertunities on modifiying the air pressure to behave like air, rather than being similar to water! At 256 psi whiles travelling fast, that would be supersonic and any lower than 256 whiles travelling less fast, that would be subsonic and under!
Oh I guess that's what you meant by it doesn't correspond quickly to 0 psi... don't mind me I can't read
Yes indeed. Also air takes pressure takes way too long to return to ambient pressure
Yes indeed. Also air takes pressure takes way too long to return to ambient pressure
Not the best rocket model there is and the physics in this sandbox is bad , because the pressure suppose to increase at a TIGHT throat modification and have high pressure out of the nozzle... (The combustion chambe is suppose to be higher than the nozz pressure) + Ambient pressure DOES NOT CORRESPOND QUICKLY to 0 psi!
Hey look someone that knows rockets have a nozel xD pretty decent engine