my computer with a very small program
@DayTimer253: Sad pandas passing through :(
It was an analogy btw.
i can make layered electronics. yeah its hard btw. plus i dont like making electronics on tpt.. its just a mess :P with art i see beauty. real life is where i make tech.
Yes, people still make art even though great art exists. That isnt a reason not to do more.
First, there is no CPU on this computer. there are usually "modules" that are controlled by the programe. it's not just for the community that I did it, but especially because it's a little over a year old (at 16), I set myself to the challenge of creating a computer without any outside help ... and I succeeded :)
First, there is no CPU on this computer. there are some "modules" that are controlled by the programe. it's not just for the community that I did it, but especially because it's a little over a year old (at 16years old), I set myself to the challenge of creating a computer without any outside help ... and I succeeded :)
these computers has too slow CPU, RAM, etc. and too small memories... fastest and smallest computers already made, why people continies making it? the only way to make something brand new - layered electronics but its impossible...
good job. looking forward to it
I'm trying to build a system that can quickly draw shapes on a screen (line and square for the moment), (I just understood how the logic gate works in filter, I start to imagine a new computer faster and more "powerful")
+1 :)