The key is that when VIBR reaches a TMP of 1001, it 'activates' and starts counting down it's LIFE value. When it's LIFE gets low enough, it starts sparking nearby elements and will explode if it does not come into contact with CFLM. You can use those sparks to power a PSTN, which despawns LOLZ, heating up VIBR, and the cycle continues.
@Chemlab: LOLZ spawns in at 99.85 C and will despawn if something is in the way. When that something is removed, it will respawn at 99.85 C regardless of the temperature of the rest of the element. This means that if you place VIBR next to it the VIBR increases it's TMP value and cools down the LOLZ.
The point is that the machine should stop in order to prove that it needs the LOLZ to function.
.. No when i do that command the lolz goes away !
That is to demonstrate that it only works with lolz.
if i need to type !set type lolz none... It doesnt run on lolz!