19th Nov 2017
23rd Dec 2017
The best bomb test ever! Ban erase, A+ if you do 16, 17, 18, 19 F if you delete 20, 21, 22!!! Have fun!
my bomb got through heac but not further
"...a nothing banned then" id:2214784
my bombs id:2214783 can destroy only particles before titan
Maybe I shound ban BOMB, DEST, AMTR, SING, VIRS
Of course, DMND isn't possible without cray or something and wall is entirely indestructible
If nothing is banned then id:2214702
The last barrier is WALL
and dimond...
ALL OF THEM? Sorry,but there's WAY MORE then 15 barriers,the last one is CONDUCTIVE WALL
my one got through all of them