116 / 35
8th Nov 2017
8th Nov 2017
Just got a new computer and thought i'd make a save in honour of my old pal. He had 1.8 GHz Dual Core CPU and a 2GB RAM. He passed through many viruses but this summer's heat destroyed him. (I couldn't really do anything with him. He was shite. Bye).
restinpeace bsod bluescreenodeath noonecared computer electronics tragedy nohewassoyoung


  • oliverstr
    9th Nov 2017
    I have a 2008 computer it died in the december of 2015 cause motherboard got fried i replaced the motherboard and replaced some stuff so it runs better my specs right now are max processing power 3,2 ghz 7,9 gb ram i didnt replace the hardrive but other than that everything else
  • wotax
    9th Nov 2017
    I am so sorry, Rest in Peace Armoryshop's computer,He rest in the heaven
  • Nuclear1449
    9th Nov 2017
    Your computer died?
  • egorsha
    9th Nov 2017
    ow sorry i had a heat display
  • egorsha
    9th Nov 2017
    how u did a blue dmnd
  • 987tails
    9th Nov 2017
    my HP touchsmart 600 series all-in-one was bought back in 2010 and it still has 8.43 GB, 2.2 GHz water-cooled CPU and... (couldnt find the RAM access) well yeah :P one year younger than your guy. reason its still working is cuz i had 2 of them and i used one as parts for the other.
  • magnetman33
    9th Nov 2017
    Overheating should be easy enough to solve, unless it's an old laptop that you need to remove 800 screws to getat the cpu and re-paste it (thermal paste) or just check if it has dust all over it lol
  • armoryshop
    9th Nov 2017
    I actually still have it, just not plugged in. Tho it suffers overheating and can't really play a lot of games, other than being quite bad at running TPT.
  • NoNStopWarrior
    9th Nov 2017
    ;( it is sad....
  • armoryshop
    9th Nov 2017
    My current PC now has 8GB of RAM, 2.6 GHz quad core CPU and 2gb VRAM