12 / 0
6th Sep 2017
29th Sep 2017
Well this is one of my older saves and wanted to put some "light" on it and well revamp the save and see what people think of the idea and maybe have it happen one day...well thats it and well tell me what you think


  • lostfox
    6th Sep 2017
    Tis is now on the forum's. .-. hope people will like the idea. it would be very helpful.
  • R33sesK1ng
    6th Sep 2017
    This a good idea +1, but I do agree wit jacob1 :/
  • jacob1
    6th Sep 2017
    but yes this should be on the forums, not the front page. Although even then I've known I really wanted this feature for years and haven't added it ... because I was waiting for a server side version
  • jacob1
    6th Sep 2017
    I want it too. It will most likely require a server side change. I could potentially implement it in a hacky way without the server side change though (a way that doesn't account for deleted comments, which will work most of the time)
  • kjack1111
    6th Sep 2017
    I want this. I need this.
  • Coffee
    6th Sep 2017
    I really wanted something like this (like a notification system) ,but i agree w/ NoVIcE, you should post this idea on the fourm so more mods might see it and stuff so maybe it'll be implemented? :o
  • NoVIcE
    6th Sep 2017
    Yes, i like it. I always welcome comments. But moderators wont take it seriously unless you post that idea on the forums. BTW Polonium element was posted on the forums i think as a suggested element, and now its in TPT.