! ! ! ! SERIOUSLY DO NOT RUN UNLESS YOU HAVE A GOOD PC ! ! ! ! this save isnt really meant to lag but it does anyway. please do not put this on frontpage as i dont want to be banned (ive heard if something like this ends up on frontpage you can be banned
ive made yet another terrible one : ID:2162078 this one is faster and slightly less destructive than this one but its more compact and a lot more simple and uses less elements dont expect any more of these by the way.
im sorry if i cause any crashes
i have a bad pc with a terrible dell computer and it survived
+1 lol, my windows 7 laptop bluescreened becuase of this, but i love it tho
ive heard this isnt against the rules to post saves like this i just heard that it will be demoted if you get it on front page