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7th Aug 2016
7th Aug 2016
A simple nuke using plutonium as the main fissile material. it has hydrogen but rarely does fusion occur. I am going to upload a version that is better for fusion AND doesnt break publishing rules. BTW, sorry about that rule break, i didnt read properly.
nuke plut bomb deut fusion fission nuclear realistic hydrogen


  • godfather38
    7th Aug 2016
    I would like to add more pressure, but im worried that it will create an unstable bomb that blows up randomly. I am working on it though.
  • theflash2
    7th Aug 2016
    needs more pressure so the neutrons are more far spread out.
  • godfather38
    7th Aug 2016
    Sorry about that, didnt really pay attention while reading the rules.
  • jacob1
    7th Aug 2016
    don't ask for votes or views, it is against the rules. And besides, one person can just open the save 50 times to get that, views are meaningless and not used in the fp formula at all
  • Cool_Sunny_
    7th Aug 2016
    it asks for saves
  • Cool_Sunny_
    7th Aug 2016
    this save breakes a publishing rule