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that so cool
maybe its on fp because of presentation rather than offering something new. still its the first time i have seen a laser like this.
that isnt a laser it's a ray
Siriously? This is in top? I create this: id:1358341 two years ago an it much smaller and efficient!
Wow.... Would you please do the liberty of looking at my "Laser Fusion" Game....
you would get better results if you replaced inst with acel. it would fuse uranium, plutonium and would create some plasma
it also creates NBLE when fired at DMND. i think it is because there are so many protons that when they reflect and run back into each other, the start fusing into heavier elements.
technicaly not a laser, but very good proton particle beam
Also, when fired at INSL, as pepper1boy stated, it creates NBLE, but it also creates a small amount of hot OXYG. Interesting...
Like a hot knife through butter. +1