Spark the inst to fire. New Gel gun that destroys goo, and prototype gun that can hit any 1 pixel thick target. Credits to Sandwichlizard for the Mouse-o-tron.
Melted metal! (and my hand while operating this): Passed the test!
Wait, what's the Id of the SD card save?
Why does the magnatron only work in this one save?
letc neke pekmen lol...
the sd card save is awesome
one of my other saves. :)
what's the sd card for?
I wanted to make a WARP laser that works in a similar way to this but I tried and it goes kaput each time. Can ze somebooooooooooody helpz me?
woah, thats old
Actually, this concept is quite old, there is a save with this with an ID starting with 13.