30th Aug 2014
21st Apr 2015
Explains all the modes / features of DRAY so that you don't need to go look in the source. DRAY was added in TPT version 90.2, and originally from my mod.
What i want is how to clone a single pixel with a 1 pix gap, and the clone that pix with another pix gap after it (like cloneing highly compressed deut into a container threu a wall)
QRTZ should have a mode for DRAY, not sure what it should do, but it would be good if DRAY and QRTZ had some more functions.
It would be nice if there was a way to triple/quadriple ect, instead of just doubling.
except for the inwr, thats really useful
I see I missed a lot since I stopped playing. GOOD THING IM BACK! :D (btw I actually found out all about dray myself)
how would it do that? The DRAY has no idea what was there originally. It just sees "there are x particles, i'll double it". You should be able to do what you want with tmp modes ...
+jacob1 could you possibaly make so it dosn't double whats there but what there was origonaly?
This is the best you are going to get :P. DRAY is mostly for really advanced electronics makers, try simpler electronics first.
Hey jacob could i get some step by step instruction for Dray please i want to make my saves better
OK, great. my mistake.