64 / 1
25th Aug 2014
12th Oct 2015
Make sure you have decorations turned off, and you are using nothing display. I changed the colors by changing the TMP, TMP2, LIFE, or TEMP of the elements using PROP. Some elements, like EXOT can be changed multiple ways. Don't unpause!
pattern graphics velocity properties pavg ctype tmp2 life temp prop


  • 008cff
    4th January
    @Staz prop tool changes particle property, example, u put life then put 1, and after pressing enter/button in middle u press fire, the fire will die next frame(press d to enable debug look ontop of screen)
  • VicA3
    21st Sep 2022
    GodOfChaos: It's less sticky, Also conducts better the heat (GEL absorbs WATR, when absorbs WATR it becames blue)
  • GodOfChaos
    15th May 2021
    what blue gel does?
    5th Jul 2020
    new ones in tpt what looked at GoL things there be like : "this is different elements ! give me money for truth!" lol +1
  • TheScienceKid
    21st Jul 2018
    @Staz PROP sets the value of an element you draw on with it, for example, if you set PROP to ctype 1, and drew over CLNE, it would get its ctype changed to 1, or WATR
  • Staz
    5th Jun 2017
    I still don't Understand what Prop tool does...
  • PocketGenious
    7th Nov 2015
    Vibr can be blue , too.
  • 12Me21
    11th Oct 2015
    pipe uses ctype. I have deleted that sign a few times but it keeps coming back somehow
  • MaximusWhitimus
    10th Oct 2015
    if you do ctype color stuff on stuf like filt and embr it changes the color, also i think pipe is literally just tmp
  • 12Me21
    10th Oct 2015
    @minecraft-physics: there's a bug where if filt is layered behind something, it changes the color of it.