4 / 1
22nd Jul 2014
23rd Jul 2014
heat treated coal does not conduct heat as well as normal coal does. do not copy the machine, but you can copy the block with credit. credit goes to scottcowling14 for the amazing batteries!


  • goatmandude
    17th Sep 2014
    its part of the design redback_hunter. they are meant to explode.
  • redback_hunter
    18th Aug 2014
    dude after a while the battery stops running and stops giving a flow and i asume thats when the vibraniume explodes but anyway it deosnt matter about how it happens just fix it please.
  • goatmandude
    23rd Jul 2014
    actually it generates heat treated coal, which does not conduct heat as well.
  • BigTardis
    23rd Jul 2014
    This is great, even though is just generates coal infinitly. +1
  • redback_hunter
    22nd Jul 2014
    i really like this but there was a slight problem every now and then were it would stop working when its half way through being finnished but overall this machine is FP worthy!