This is my idea of how the surface of Mars could be simulated in TPT. It consists of colored clay. I've made everything by myself. Please comment. | Only copy with my permission (just ask in the comments)
too hot to be mars mars is cold
This comment chain hasent been visited in 5 years, but, can i use this?
shouldn't it be freezing cold or boiling hot?
@boomtish214: Of course you can, just write something in the description like "surface by SGAtlantis", then I'm okay with that :)
Needs to be a bit more rocky. Anyways, can I use it for a space-related save?
@handicraftsman The ID doesn't work?!
@Gustavo What do you mean by "very few TUNG"? Should I use it on the second layer (so that it's a third layer)?
SGAtlantis, id:1766915 (not ad)
Maybe only veery few TUNG, and disguise it with DECO to make it look like BMTL (or use Molten TUNG with deco for it to move like a powder :P) Make the following for molten tung: Put lava and type "!set ctype lava tung" in the console (C).
oh and say !set ctype brmt tung for possible use as a laser deflector