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4th Apr 2014
17th May 2014
Here I will explain to you how to mix solids with a natural look.I hope it's explained good enough for you.With these instructions,you can melt all NON-EXPLOSIVE meltable things.The mixing works full-automatically. THX for FP BTW
useful metals alloy meltable elements mixing solid solids forge melting


  • SGAtlantis
    17th May 2014
    @mecha-man Yes, that was just an example for 2312352 because typing "!set temp all 9999" would heat up EVERYTHING in the save where you use it, so his idea to make it better / faster wouldn't work in some cases.
  • Cocoa_Bits
    17th May 2014
    Why!! +0
  • oskarnik
    17th May 2014
    Some noobs just can't do it and hate. But me is NO noob. 1+
  • Dzeni
    17th May 2014
    Took me exactly 15.4 seconds to do it manually with heat and cool tools. (tool switching time included). But the method described in this save took me about 40 seconds to do it
  • mecha-man
    17th May 2014
    @SGAtlantis: If you just want to heat up the PROT you can type !set temp prot 9999.
  • SGAtlantis
    17th May 2014
    @thepowderscientist The point is that this is much faster than heat-tool. @2312352 but that changes ABSOLUTELY everything's temperature, and often it's not good if the water is at 9999 Kelvin just because you wanted to heat the protons up :D (Just an example).
  • thepowderscientist
    17th May 2014
    NICE .............. whats the point
  • SGAtlantis
    17th May 2014
    LOL This got FP after one month :D
  • 2312352
    17th May 2014
    !set temp all 9999 then !set temp all 9
  • 2312352
    17th May 2014
    JUst dibt litsen to what i said below