3631 / 319
5th Mar 2014
20th Jan 2021
He only digests stone, bcol, sand and pqrt :), GIVE CREDIT! Type tpt.setfpscap(2) in the console for less lag.
human biology blood realistic life body real loadstar electronic spark


  • Loadstar
    7th Mar 2014
    one guy pronounced it, it only possible with wax/mwax but it only would work by heating wounds and ambient heat + body cooler cant cool him fast enough to hard the wax, but you will see sometimes the primar arteria will blocked bei wax when he heat up. :)
  • kevbag96
    7th Mar 2014
    I dont know if this is feasable with the way the blood system is right now, but clotting blood would be nice so it doesnt automatically bleed to death
  • Loadstar
    7th Mar 2014
    good idea, but how do you imagine that
  • Riscobi
    7th Mar 2014
    add cirugy
  • Loadstar
    6th Mar 2014
    good luck :D
  • AirborneM4
    6th Mar 2014
    I'm trying to make a cryogenic chamber for it, stop all his bodily functions and restart them with minimal damage.
  • Loadstar
    6th Mar 2014
    i experimented a few days ago but the virus is too persistent xD
  • Hydraxon45
    6th Mar 2014
    Yep... Immune system is impossible, or at least useless. Unless you have a layer of soap around him, his brain sorta blows out when the virus reverts.
  • Loadstar
    6th Mar 2014
    hmmm, i dont understand it well there were no wifi or something :S
  • Spheal
    6th Mar 2014
    Actually, the mine was ok, as electronics set it off, but the grenade always blew up :(