15th Dec 2013
21st May 2014
The largest ship produced by the covenant. The S.M.F.F. uses minerals delivered by asteroid salvage ships to produce fighters for defence.
You may list me as 'The S.P.F. Covenant' or 'Koox Malac'
base of operations id:1390040
I apreciate your offer and acept dylantyler, the covenant sustains its self however, we shall band together but remain seperate as individual factions (my answer is yes)
What do you think about joining the (THE ALLIANCE) me the Allterran Republic and Korlonian empire and ShadowPlasma and darkren01 and wizard-of-physics and TheNumberCrucher and nippy and 12rl+1 YES OR NO
to Koox
ok ima stop being a noob now but i am really his brother i swear
I understand your concern and veiw of Hiflen upvoting. You should compare the saves he has made and the ones I have. But dont take my suggestion as a complaint.
Hiflen: you should stop that though, because it triggers to us as a multi-account vote, which is against the rules. Basically we can't tell if you really are his brother or just an accout used for upvotes. Although i'm sure you actually are, we still would rather not have you guys vote on each other's saves so that less warnings trigger and neither of you ends up banned. You don't need to upvote for him to know you like it :P
I have fixed any of the problems with the lasers, added color for the INSL laser sheilding. And colored the comunications antenee!
i always upvote my brothers saves! +1