whats your profile pic? i thinks it says some girls just need to be high fived in the head with a chair?
@SlenderHunter its my terrain maker. dual particle nuclear bomb - prot and neut. why would you downvote b/c of the name?
This shouldn't be on fp. Too big, Too weak, used someone else's terrain maker without credit, fail name, inexperienced layering, the list goes on and on. agree with egg9999, but not his bad language. -1
@powderyboy7 laggy? IDGAF. Not even powerful? Have you even FUCKING BOTHERED to test this? GTFO. Now.
why is the FP, it's very laggy and it's not even that good
@thiagoooo From where? Perhaps you could show us the save id?
@thiagoooo i didn't copy dipwad