51 / 13
21st Nov 2013
26th Nov 2013
took me all of one hour to make. credit to kukuskinas for the idea and the small light bulbs. now turned into a generator which powers a mini lightbulb. Check out the new filament bulbs.
photons skill photonmaster


  • runemaster
    26th Nov 2013
    Didn't someone else do this? Just wondering. Oh, just saw the credits. Well, this is actually pretty nice. It's not all that bad for simply lighting, but the size of the lightbulb makes it a bit.. well.. hard to use. Massive Lightbulbs don't usually come up a lot in saves.
  • dddp33
    26th Nov 2013
  • dddp33
    23rd Nov 2013
    now turned into a generator which powers a mini lightbulb.
  • dddp33
    23rd Nov 2013
    @kukuskinas as for the capacitor idea, all i would have to do is put a photovoltaic cell (solar panel) at the photonic output valve which is currently plugged up with void. i hope this answers your question, if not please tell me.
  • dddp33
    23rd Nov 2013
    @demoman200 the light bulb works for the majority of people, it may be a bug. i hope they fix it soon.
  • Demoman200
    23rd Nov 2013
    Is it just me, or do none of these cool things work? I mean, the photons make a couple of bends, and then fly off the glass. IDK why.
  • kukuskinas
    23rd Nov 2013
    Could you explain me the capacitor idea, couse i dont quite get it.
  • mccafferty2
    23rd Nov 2013
    oh you know... You actually did kinda take his idea, and its juxtaposed on fb. I didn't realize you took it and then I also didn't realize this was just a lightbulb and never was any sort of capacitor.. it could bee..
  • mccafferty2
    23rd Nov 2013
    people sound so pissed that you used the other guys bulb, which honestly has no use... you turned it into a capacitor that could pretty much store an infinite charge,, well phot has life so not infinite, but still thats pretty serious! to me anyway +1
  • dddp33
    22nd Nov 2013
    i cant believe this made FP. i admit to copying kukuskinas, but he said he coudlnt be bothered to coil it so i thought id give it a go. THANX FOR FP!!! :D