Please copy, but mention me in the description. These are all working, but not always suitable for use. The proton torpedo is still experimental--the launcher may not work, causing an explosion. May not be suitable for Death Stars.
This is so wierd. It just seems that whatever I do to my version, it's just not as strong.
Thanks! Send me the ID when you're done and I'll post it on here.
BTW Awesome save
Thanks Hegemon
added destroyabale bomb shotgun (very short range).
I figured bombs was cheating, but I'll add it anyway. What do you mean by microwave and fusion? Microwaves are just high-energy photons....
my ideas: fusion weaponry, bomb weaponry,microwave weaponry.
I just would like something small and nice looking :)
No clue--A spaceship maybe? Any ideas?
Sure I can make a logo. What you want it look like?