37 / 6
2nd Nov 2013
14th Nov 2013
Please copy, but mention me in the description. These are all working, but not always suitable for use. The proton torpedo is still experimental--the launcher may not work, causing an explosion. May not be suitable for Death Stars.
weapons laser torpedo


  • Goopymess
    9th Nov 2013
    1367656 here it is! Thanks!
  • Hegemon_1
    7th Nov 2013
    Go for it! Send me the id after you're done--I'd like a look.
  • Goopymess
    7th Nov 2013
    I am going to use the torpedo launchers if that is okay. I will give you credit!
  • Hegemon_1
    4th Nov 2013
    Thanks for the logo! The microwave gun is impressive. Also, about the melt-gun, smaller is better: too big and the MERC can't be heated enough.
  • Hegemon_1
    4th Nov 2013
    Snow guns: 1px fray, 1px pscn, 5px ttan, all cooled.
  • jaml96
    3rd Nov 2013
    with fusion i meant snow guns...
  • Butcandy47
    3rd Nov 2013
    I made a logo 1360635. I thought it was cool, but then again, I thought that the first photon gun I saw was the coolest thing in TPT.
  • Butcandy47
    3rd Nov 2013
    1286235 It can definately be made smaller, but I seriously doubt that you can use this without it being in a contained area. Maybe you could make it into a kind of last-resort weapon, like in the core of the ship, so when it gets destroyed it trigger a bomb version of this.
  • Butcandy47
    3rd Nov 2013
    Oh yeah, Hegemon, I know what he means by microwave. I could send you my extremely destructive prototype weapon.
  • Butcandy47
    3rd Nov 2013
    But I will persist...