hey jacob1 why dont you post saves anymore
also SMKE is the same way.
this is a glitch in the game since like the earliest versions, because not much attention was paid to some properties like state. So FIRE has always actually been a powder. Eventually it was half fixed, it was allowed to go through gas wall. So ... that's why this happens (it's still actually a powder). Fixing it might break some saves, so we just leave it the same.
@Vinayak lol, ashes would instantly drop if it tries to pass through energy walls. Also, the developers say it should be powder because it also carries ashes, and gas because, in terms of TPT logic, can fill its container in a floating state. The same applies for SMKE.
LOL FP i never thought of that THX
stranger is that SMKE passes too through both walls
Strange, fire is neither gas nor powder, so it shouldn't be going through any walls except energy wall. 'o.o` ?
Yeah, this isn't a glitch.
ytrewq744, this is not a glitch, it's basically logic.
Ahem, I mean "floating whilst "attempting to" fill its container".