tell your brother to change his profile info now, that isn't appropriate. Also tell him what I said here, he can't vote on your saves and you can't vote on his.
Rule 2 of the save uploading guidelines says you can't multi-account vote, no matter who it is. Sometimes, even if it is someone you know, they are still seeking out your saves and upvoting them just because they are yours, which is similar behavior to if you had just made a separate account yourself. We don't tolerate any type of excessive multi-account voting. In this case though, there was nothing that made it seem excessive. I looked at a few of your saves and he hadn't even voted on them, probably just a few that he thought were the better ones. In the future, try to not vote (either way) on each other's saves, and we probably won't ever notice it again. For now, I don't see why the ban is needed, there wasn't a serious problem yet, you just needed a small warning (not a ban) to ensure it didn't become a problem. Respond when you get this.
same thing happened to me
i tasy "i didn`t tell him to" ;)
you told him to = not very smart........... -_- just saying