when someting is drawn it says "drawn" then very shortly "something was erased" with any material so that should be fixed
TheNumberCrucher don't draw before unpause
1. pause it, 2. fill every letter in with gbmb, 3. turn newtational gravity OFF! , 4. unpause and it will not sense what you did ... !
Wow, this is a really cool concept. I love how you improved his. :D I would +1 but Ill +1 when I get back on my Kikinicij account to avoid double votes. I just LOVE this!!!
it might require that all the possible particles that can be erased are recreated in some kind of thing (like the PSCN outside, ARAY inside box that cracker64 uses on his ship gun save), meaning a much larger box than what you have now. Or something. Maybe there's some way without that, but it wouldn't detect things as good (ex. the draw sensor would only detect once you replaced all the particles the erase sensor found.
:D +1. Also attempting to get them both working at the same time would be hard, since erasing something might just make the draw sensor invalid, they would both just clone EMBR with really early id's.