Spark the trigger to shoot. Update: Now it's made of FRME so you don't spark the whole gun and the reload button is bigger. Update: It's hotter.
In TPT there are not very much guns that shoot something else than PHOT.
I find this bad. I expected something that shoots bombs or something, not a laser gun with some deco.
make the laser hotter or use BOMB, cause it is weak
very original name
crapballs with a side of stupid i made stuff way better than this! this is just sum deco'd up photon launcer!!!!!!
wow i didnt know guns shoot photons
Paint the reload button better.. i barely see it with decorations on.+1 BTW
It is a perfect
Well it's filled, isn't it?
actually it does have a big hole down the barrel its just filled with filt wwhich photons pass through