32 / 18
17th Mar 2013
12th Apr 2013
This presure microwave is not a heavy duty machine (doesn't crush glass)
spamthebuttons1 killsispa spinnyooooh powdertech1350


  • DuctTapeFreak
    22nd Mar 2013
    jklujm: DRIC doesn't shatter in this game. I do recall that I stated in the title that this is a PRESSURE microwave not a heat microwave, so those disapointed that it doesn't melt anything, this is the reason.
  • DuctTapeFreak
    22nd Mar 2013
    It is now an snow machine. I made a few minor changes (I put INSL to keep things from melting, I painted the electronics black as well as the numbers on the buttons). I hope Moonkey is happy now!
  • jklujm
    22nd Mar 2013
    It doesn't work with DRIC...
  • DuctTapeFreak
    21st Mar 2013
    I cuoldn't get anything when I looked him up so I assumed that was the reason
  • DuctTapeFreak
    21st Mar 2013
    @jacob1: I am a good guesser!
  • Moonkey
    21st Mar 2013
    Y'know, if you only used ice with it an d the walls were cold.
  • Moonkey
    21st Mar 2013
    Actually, the only reason why the ice turns into water, is because the ice turns into snow, snow touches the walls, walls heat up the snow, snow turns into water. The only thing this is useful for is... MAKING SNOW! Yeaaa, snow machines.
  • jacob1
    21st Mar 2013
    DuctTapeFreak: yes, that is why he is called "gone" lol
  • DuctTapeFreak
    20th Mar 2013
    gone: If you haven't noticed, this is a PRESSURE microwave not a HEAT microwave, so if you have any common sense you will know that wax doesn't shatter. DUUUUH!
  • Moonkey
    20th Mar 2013
    @gone: Wax can't be crushed. If it was crushed it would either turn into wax dust, or just compact wax. But since we don't have wax dust or compact wax I guess you can just stop whining and be friendly?