this would definetly be amazing
the lua mod "Layering Helper Remastered" has a built in resize tool if you turn off "safe" mode
I would love if this was added +1
just because I haven't demoted it. And so people would see it isn't really possible.
Thats too bad. But if thats way to complicated, why is this save still on fp? If theres no possible way, why?
Now I see how it's all complicated!
there is no simple way to make pixels bigger. Also, in tpt, each element has properties like ctype, tmp, tmp2, that all store extra information. We would have to determine which ones to enlarge and how to copy the extra information too. If for example you tried to make PIPE larger, the red/blua/green colors you see would also somehow have to get larger, and so the PIPE wouldn't work after. This is just one example, most things would have trouble expanding / shrinking too.
Agree with EqualsThree but if it found a way around the sucking balls coding :) I think it would be really cool and useful.
what would this be used for other than pixel art?