6 / 1
13th Jan 2013
13th Jan 2013
No Description provided.


  • jacob1
    8th May 2013
    most copied saves are by people that have no idea what they are doing, so just report those and I can unpublish them. It's very rarely for people to claim they actually made something stolen, and in that case they are often banned for a few days. Also downvotes happen, some people hate certain kinds of saves (ex. art, other things they don't think are perfect) and downvote them, but just ignore them because there's only a few who actually do that. Anyway, I don't think this save is going to do anything ... you can't change people with a text save like this that people won't like. Just ignore the small amount of bad stuff and see all the good.
  • sentinal-5
    13th Jan 2013
    -_- @cyberdragon, it's spelt slartyblartfast... and blueberry98, i SOOO agree. some people are so stupidly annoying.
  • cyberdragon
    13th Jan 2013
    "My name not really that important...oh's *sigh* ...5<h|4rty6@rtf3$t3r " (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) :P Ps...I agree.