
From The Powder Toy
Revision as of 01:37, 3 June 2022 by ArolaunTech (talk | contribs) (Included the fact that the reaction BRMT + BREL => THRM is actually slower with temperature, not faster.)
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BREL.png Broken electronics
Section Powders
Spawn temperature 22°C
Heat Conductivity 84.4%
Relative weight 90
Gravity 0.18
Acid dissolve rate 0.2%
Flammability 0
State Powder
Misc properties
Conducts electricity (SPRK)
Source code

Broken electronics is a conductive powder which is created when certain elements like PSCN, NSCN, PTCT, NTCT, INST,SWCH, WWLD are being sparked while electromagnetic pulse is activated.

When constantly sparked at above 10 pressure, it will heat up, the rate of heating being higher with high pressure. Vibranium will not spark broken electronics before exploding, and gray exotic matter will not turn into broken electronics.


Besides the effect of electronic pulse on electronic elements, another way to produce broken electronics is by exploding vibranium:

VIBR.pngELEC.png + PHOT.png + BREL.png + EXOT.png


Sparked broken electronics turns into exotic matter at 8726.85°C and pressure above 30:


The same reaction can be performed without sparking broken electronics in the presence of platinum catalyst at 1000°C and pressure above 50:

PTNM.png + BREL.pngPTNM.png + EXOT.png

Broken metal and broken electronics may produce thermite on contact (either of the particles turns into thermite at random) when temperature is above 250°C:

BRMT.png + BREL.pngTHRM.png + BRMT.png / BREL.png

This reaction becomes slower when heated:

Temperature Reaction Speed
250°C 1x
260°C 0.98x
300°C 0.91x
400°C 0.77x
500°C 0.67x
600°C 0.59x
700°C 0.53x
800°C 0.48x
900°C 0.43x
999.85°C (Melting point of BRMT.png) 0.4x
Language: English